Home Magazine Get involved this spring!

Get involved this spring!

swimming pool

Spring is fast approaching so now is the appropriate time to shake off those winter blues and start becoming more active and involved with sport.

From a personal point of view, being involved in sport is a very important part of my life. I have been a swimmer since the age of 6 and have managed to keep it up all the way through to university and joining the university team and even competing for them. I have found that it has introduced me to so many amazing people and friends I would never have met otherwise. Doing sport also helps with lots of other things in life.

From the age of 13yrs, school can become very tough and it is very easy to become stressed with the work load that high school and sixth form/ college can bring. Being part of a sports club can provide you with an outlet to relieve some of this pressure and stress and can help with re-gathering your thoughts. Even if it is just one hour a week, that one hour provides you with an ‘escape’ from algebra and literacy to do something you enjoy, with people you have fun with and at the same time keeping fit and exercising.

One of my idols in the sporting world, Michael Phelps has a condition called ADHD which often made his school life much harder for him. He says that swimming helped him to relax and he was often in his own world when in the swimming pool so he began to fall in love with sports. That is the positive effect that being within a sports club can have. You feel part of a team and for that hour a week you can solely focus on that sport and focus on nothing else.

There are many different ways of getting involved in sport. Go down to your local leisure centre and see what classes are on there, join a club at school, speak to friends see if they do anything could you join? Local town halls are often venues of sports clubs maybe it would be worth visiting there.

So my message to you young people in Lincoln is to get involved in sport this spring… you won’t regret it!

Emma Wright

Age 19

University of Lincoln